How to Be Safe in the Sun – Dr. Stuart B. Porter & Robbi Boyer
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Though skin cancer can be scary, it is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. With summertime approaching, and more exposure to the sun’s harmful effects, we’ve put together a few guidelines to help you reduce your risk of skin cancer while you’re out enjoying the summer sun:
Explore Medical Grade Sunscreen/Sunblock
The majority of skin cancer cases are due to ultraviolet damage from sunburns. Medical spas, dermatologists and some plastic surgeons may carry, in their office, an advanced medical grade sunblock, offered in SPFs of 30 or higher.
There are now better formulated broad-spectrum protection sunblock offered to consumers. ...
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Healthy Teeth, Happy Child – Dr. Hans Petersen
Dental caries, or tooth decay, is the number one chronic infectious disease affecting children in the United States. When bacteria has access to sugars, it produces acid that breaks down teeth, forming cavities.
Although it is a common and destructive disease, dental caries is highly preventable. The best prevention is aggressive daily oral hygiene. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children brush their teeth every morning and every night. They should be supervised and assisted by their parents until they are at least eight years old. Children should also floss daily, beginning as early as two years o...
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Staying Fit For Summer – Travis Lott
The time is here. Summer is around the corner and you’re planning your family vacations! Most of us have a lot of things to consider as summer approaches. Soon the kids will be out of school, and summer plans start to interfere with the day to day regimen that was so earnestly established. How are you going to stay on target? I’ll let you in on a secret: You’ll more fully enjoy your summer, family vacations, reunions, and the many other activities planned if you have more energy and feel good for those fun packed ...
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Grounded Nutrition – Erica Hansen MS, RD, CD
How many plants did you eat yesterday? Consider fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. These plant foods are the food groups most Americans do not get enough of. Less than 25% of American adults eat the recommended minimum of two cups of vegetables per day.
Sometimes food gets complicated with allergies, intolerance and disease, but more often than not we make nutrition more convoluted than it needs to be. The evidence supporting eating a diet rich in plant foods is overwhelming. We could all benefit from grounded, plant-based nutrition.
Getting Access to Great Plants
As the weather warms up, our options for great produce multiply. Aside from gleaning in-s...
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Break Free from the Bondage of Headaches-Dr. Brent N. Wall, Chiropractic Physician
If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. 45 million Americans are suffering with you. Because so many experience headaches, many think it’s normal—but it’s not. It is not natural to have headaches daily, or even three to four times a week. Nor is it typical to take headache medication on a daily basis just to prevent or minimize...
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Does Your Investment Plan Rely on Luck? – Dave Young
Our experience and independent research both show that most investors do not follow a strategy. In other words, they do not have a disciplined, systematic process they follow to make investment decisions. Their portfolio of investments often represents a patchwork of uncorrelated ideas that were sold to them by various salesmen over their lifetime. What may have seemed like a good idea at the time no longer makes any sense.
Take for example the first three months of 2016. Markets have been in turmoil with the S&P 500 dropping -10.5% and the NASDAQ losing -14.8%. After hitting their lows for the year both indexes have recovered about 10% of their value, erasing much of their los...
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Unplug Your Kids & Recharge Them with Nature – Carol Kim – Center for Couples and Families
We all remember what it was like to play outdoors as children. We were free to get messy, run around to our hearts content, and use our wildest imaginations. I remember spending my summer days running around catching fireflies with neighborhood kids until nightfall, playing tag and rolling down hills. It felt amazing – and for good reason.
Studies show that playing outdoors instead of indoors positively impacts children’s mental and physical health (Clements, 2004; Bell and Dyment, 2006). Outdoor play stimulates the growth and development of the brain, helping kids to think clearer and enhancing their ability to learn. Studies also show that children sleep better after getting fresh air. Researcher Rhonda Clements states, “Outdoor play o...
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Utah Valley Health and Wellness Magazine – May/June issue
Check out our newest issue!
Local Utah Valley professionals give expert advice on a variety of health and wellness topics. Learn about healing pornography addictions, freeing yourself from headaches, nutrition, principles of healthy marriages and more.
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Gardening: A Bit Beyond the Basics – Dianne Farrer, PHD
There are more than enough people around the valley willing to offer you advice or classes on gardening. But what if you knew the science behind all the garden advice/classes, so you could figure out the facts from the fiction, and have the best garden on the block? Well, I don’t have enough space here to give you all the scientific information you would need, but let me share some great points that will get you a step ahead of the rest. We are going to go a bit beyond the basics of gardening.
Here is the “Thick List” of things to know:
HAVE A PLAN. This piece of advice really counts fo...
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What’s Your Plan? – Brian J. Miller, Attorney at Law
We use planning as a method to be successful and efficient in almost every aspect of our life. But do we plan for after our passing? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we are all going to die. To properly plan for our death, we must ask ourselves several questions: How can I make sure my assets go to those whom I wish to have them? Who do I desire to make decisions on my behalf once I pass or if I become incapacitated? How do I make the distribution of my assets quick and efficient, while reducing my tax liability and the headache of probate?
As we move into spring, it’s the perfect time to “clean up” our affairs, along with our homes. Establishing a proper estate plan before ...
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