Counseling – Leaning In Toward Your Spouse

As I have traveled across Scandinavian and Europe recently, I have noticed one thing - people are the same everywhere. They need love, connection, relationships and seek for happiness. As I was with my wife in Oslo, Norway at Fronger Park (most notably known for the 'Angry Baby' statue), I noticed several couples showing interesting tendencies. One couple I noticed was on a date. They were sitting in the grass with a bottle of wine and food between them. They were leaning towards each other - literally. I could tell that they were on a date and enjoying themselves and each other. Another couple I saw were in obvious distress. The woman was laying on the grass, turned away from her husband who was standing 10 feet from her looking the opposite direction. She seemed angry as she was in tears and holding her child. I happened to run across this couple a few times in the park. I never saw them talk to each other and the look on the woman's face remained upset. I could tell that they were i...

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Emotions 101: The Basics

Most of us try to avoid uncomfortable emotions. Who likes to feel sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, scared or betrayed? Don’t we try to NOT feel this way? Some may even engage in unhealthy behaviors to avoid their emotions.  I encounte...

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The Cardio Fat-Loss Myth

It amazes me how many people I see at the gym doing endless cardio—particularly those who are out of shape. Granted, some are training for a race, but most aren’t. Regardless, you al...

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Local Food: Good For You, Good For Utah

If you’ve eaten at a restaurant lately, you might have noticed local eateries serving local ingredients, and telling you more about them.  The return to a focus on local ingredients has been a natural outgrowth of ever-increasing consumer interest in finding out what we are putting into our bodies, and whether those things are truly good for us. Since the 1950s, processed food has been touted as more convenient, easy, and...

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Roots of Knowledge

Stained-glass has been used for centuries to beautify sacred buildings and inspire the passing observer. From cathedrals to mosques to temples, stained-glass can be found adorning architecture throughout the world. For residents who live along the Wasatch Front, stained-glass can readily be found in several buildings in several different cities. However, in the coming months, a new facility at Utah Valley University in Orem wi...

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Six Lesser Known Hikes In Utah Valley

What do Y Mountain, Murdock Canal Trail, and Timpanogos Cave all have in common?  They are all well known area attractions, and you have likely hiked at least one of them. However, there are a lot of other trails around Utah Valley, ranging from easy family hikes to more difficult trails, for the outdoors enthusiast. This summer, instead of heading to one of the more popular trails, t...

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Eating Healthy Under Pressure

Comfort is often found in the food we grew up with as a child. I have fond memories of camping in the mountains with hot dogs and s’mores over the fire, pizza at parties with soft drinks, and the decadent desserts we enjoyed as a family. Unfortunately, these foods are what contributed to me getting sick. After making what many people viewed as a drastic change in my eating, ...

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Fast and Steady Wins the Race – Center for Couples and Families

Jared Ward was the final qualifier for the Olympic Games in Rio this coming summer.  While he was racing, the television commentary discussed how Jared had just completed his master’s thesis on marathon pacing strategies.  He ended up running 1:06:31 for the first half and 1:06:29 for the second. In speaking with Jared about his race experience, it turns out that he was not utilizing his statistics knowledge to determine his race pace.  It was more about how he felt during the race.  Jared said, “I went into the race knowing what pace I could run.  When they (Tyler Pennell, Galen Rupp, and Meb Keflezighi) took off faster, I realized I couldn’t run that pace and decided to not cover their move completely hoping at least one of them would come back to me.”  However, Jared did increase his pace from around 5:05 to 4:50, then back to around 5:00 for a while to not let them get too far away.  There are so many physical and psychological factors that go...

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Patience Is Not Only a Virtue…It Can Be Profitable – Center for Couples and Families

Written by: Dave Young “A man watches his pear tree day after day, impatient for the ripening of the fruit. Let him attempt to force the process, and he may spoil both the fruit and the tree. But let him patiently wait, and the ripe fruit at length falls into his lap.”   – Abraham Lincoln                                                                                                            ...

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Raising Confident Kids – Center for Couples and Families

In post-war England, most children’s hospitals had a visitor’s policy that may shock you: children in long-term treatment for serious conditions were only allowed about one hour per week of visiting time from their parents. The prevailing thought was that too much “molly-coddling” would weaken the child. A psychologist named John Bowlby didn’t agree. He did research to demonstrate that when parents visited, kids did better – they were happier, and their physical well-being improved during the short visits from parents. Dr Bowlby went on to develop the theory of attachment, which states that c...

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